How to remove/delete labels from Blogger posts

Many bloggers might find labels below posts (or post titles) unnecessary, as long as they are already in the blog's sidebar. In this tutorial we will learn how to remove them manually. To hide labels from the blogger post footer (or below post title), you could simply uncheck the "Labels" option, however, sometimes this setting might not work properly in certain templates and then we'll have to remove it manually from our template.

How we going do this?

Hide labels from Blogger

Step 1. Click on the 'Template' option and then go to the 'Edit HTML' button.

hide labels, blogger labels, blogger tutorials

To ensure that you won't lose or delete something, it is advisable to make a backup of your current template. To do this, click on the Backup/Restore button on the right top corner:

blogger labels, blogspot tricks
 ...and then click on the Download full template button:

Step 2. After you clicked on the Edit HTML button, select the 'Expand Widget Templates' option for expanding the CSS code.

Step 3. Now find the following code snippet (press CTRL+F and paste the code in the search box):
<b:if cond='data:post.labels'>
          <b:loop values='data:post.labels' var='label'>
            <a expr:href='data:label.url' rel='tag'><></a><b:if cond='data:label.isLast != &quot;true&quot;'>,</b:if>

Step 4. And delete it.

Step 5. Click on the Save Template button. You're done ;)

How To Remove Blogger Navbar

Blogger has got a Navigation Bar that appears by default at the top of every Blogger-powered blog. This navigation bar can be very useful when you are blogging, but sometimes, it can get in the way. The Blogger navbar is usually hidden in most of the third party templates.

The advantages of it are the following:

- when you click on the B icon, it will take you to
- a quick link to your Dashboard and "Sign in /Sign out" dialog
- you can easily search for other blogs
- you can "Flag Blog" (if you consider content of a blog objectionable)
- NextBlog - takes you to a random, recently-updated Blogger blog

The only disadvantage is visual. If you have customized design, Navbar just doesn't fit in.

So how we get rid of it? It is very simple. Just follow the next steps...

Removing The Blogger Navbar:

1. Login to your Blogger account, click on your blog name and navigate to Layout;

2. Look for the Navbar text and click on the Edit link as shown in the picture below:

blogger navigation bar, blogspot tricks

3. When the pop-up window appears, scroll down and select Off, then click on Save button:

blogger navbar, navigation bar, blogger

You're done.