Add Floating Social Media Sharing Buttons To Blogger

The Floating Social Media Sharing is a very popular widget on all the top blogs, being a very good way to increase the number of times your posts get shared on Twitter, Facebook and other social networks. It has some of the following functions: Facebook Like, StumbleUpon, Twitter Share, Digg This, Google+ and RSS Feed Icon and each of them comes with a live counter. You can add more sharing buttons or social bookmarking icons later if you wish.

Blogger, WordPress, Facebook, Share

How to add the scrolling social bookmarking bar

The code to copy-paste (updated!):

<!-- floating share bar Start> <style type="text/css"> #pageshare {position:fixed; bottom:5%; margin-left:-721px; float:left; border-radius:5px;-moz-border-radius:5px;-webkit-border-radius:5px;background-color:#fff;padding:0 0 2px 0;z-index:10;} #pageshare .sbutton {float:left;clear:both;margin:5px 5px 0 5px;} .fb_share_count_top {width:48px !important;} .fb_share_count_top, .fb_share_count_inner {-moz-border-radius:3px;-webkit-border-radius:3px;} .FBConnectButton_Small, .FBConnectButton_RTL_Small {width:49px !important; -moz-border-radius:3px;/*bs-fsmsb*/-webkit-border-radius:3px;} .FBConnectButton_Small .FBConnectButton_Text {padding:2px 2px 3px !important;-moz-border-radius:3px;-webkit-border-radius:3px;font-size:8px;} </style> <div id='pageshare' title="Get this from">
<div style="margin-left:8px;"><div class='sbutton' id='like' style='margin: 5px 0 0 5px;'><script src=''></script><fb:like layout='box_count' show_faces='false'></fb:like> </div></div>
<br /><div class='sbutton'><a class='twitter-share-button' data-count='vertical' data-via='Helplogger' expr:data-counturl='data:blog.url' href='' rel='nofollow'>Tweet</a><script src=''; type='text/javascript'></script>
<br /><div class='sbutton' id='su'> <script src=""></script> </div> <div class='sbutton' id='digg' style='margin-left:3px;width:48px'> <script src='' type='text/javascript'></script> <a class="DiggThisButton DiggMedium"></a> </div> <div class='sbutton' id='gplusone'> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <g:plusone size="tall"></g:plusone></div><br/><a href='' rel='nofollow' target='_blank' title='Subscribe To Our Rss Feed'><img src=''/></a><div style="clear: both;font-size: 9px;text-align:center;">Get <a style="color: #3399BB;" href="">widget</a></div><!-- Do not remove this link --> </div> <!-- floating share bar End --></div>

  • Vertical alignment - Change the value of bottom in code line 3. The code positions the button relative to the bottom of your browser window. To fix the distance even when window is resized, specify the value in px (pixels) instead of %.
  • Horizontal alignment - Change the value in red of margin-left. Negative value pushes the button to the left of the main blog column, positive value pushes it to the right. Increase or decrease the value based on your needs.
  • Twitter setting - Replace Helplogger with your Twitter username
  • Replacing and removing buttons - You can replace existing buttons with your own. Each button is represented by this code: <div class='sbutton'> BUTTON CODE HERE </div>
  • RSS Feed - Change the text in blue with the url address of your RSS feed.
Enjoy :)

Create A Rollover Image Effect (change image on mouseover)

The Rollover effect is one in which an image web object changes (swaps itself) on mouse over to another web object (called rollovers) and reverts back to the original image on mouse out. Rollover images are preloaded into the page when it is loading, this ensures that the rollovers are displayed quickly. The onMouseOver and onMouseOut attributes of the link tag are used to make this functional.

Demo:  Place your mouse over the image below to see its rollover effect

Making Rollover Effect Image

You have the following code:

<a href="URL ADDRESS"><img src="URL OF THE FIRST IMAGE GOES HERE" onmouseover="this.src='URL OF THE SECOND IMAGE GOES HERE'" onmouseout="this.src='URL OF THE FIRST IMAGE GOES HERE'" /></a>

Change the colored texts as it follows:


This is the address where somebody will be sent when clicks on the image.
Example, my blog address:


Replace the orange text (two times) with the URL address of the image which will appear before you hover over it.

Replace the text in blue with the url of  the image that will appear when the cursor hovers over it.

Now you can paste your image inside a blog gadget, going to Layout > click on Add a Gadget link (right side) > Select HTML/JavaScript from the pop-up window, then add it to your sidebar.

You can also add it inside your post by going to New Post > Switch to HTML tab and then paste the code in the empty box.

That's it. Enjoy ;)

The Blogger In Draft Blog Is Being Retired

In 2007, we introduced Blogger In Draft, a special version of Blogger where new features could reach users early and let people try new things. We also introduced the Blogger In Draft blog, and for the past five years, we’ve introduced new updates and options here, often before we told the rest of the world on our official blog, Buzz.

With the recent launch of our Google+ page, we have another great way to keep you updated on new features, both for everyone and those of you who love seeing things early. To simplify the many places you can get updates, we will be retiring the Blogger in Draft blog, with this being the final post. Going forward, we’d like to invite you to follow our official blog and our Google+ page to find out what’s new with Blogger.

This doesn’t mean the Blogger In Draft service is going anywhere, so don’t fret! You’ll still get all the shiny goodness as fast as we can bring it to you. But we’ll be talking about it somewhere else.

Add Facemoods Emoticons To Your Blogger Comments

Here are some amazingly funny emoticons compatible with your Blogger comments - also with threaded commenting system! If you want to know how to add them, just follow the next steps:

emoticons, smileys, blogger, tricks

Step 1.

Go to Dashboard - Template - Edit HTML - Proceed

...and select Expand Widget Template (don't forget to make a backup)

    Step 2. Search (using CTRL + F) for this code:

    • For previous commenting system: 
    <h4 id='comment-post-message'><data:postCommentMsg/></h4>
    • For threaded comments:
    <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'>

    Step 3. Add the below code just above it

    (for threaded comments, add the code after):

    <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
    <div style=' width: 450px; text-align: left; border: 1px dashed #0084ce; background: transparent; padding: 10px; color:#000000; font-weight:bold; '>
    <img border='0' src=''/> :a
    <img border='0' src=''/> :b
    <img border='0' src=''/> :c
    <img border='0' src=''/> :d
    <img border='0' src=''/> :e
    <img border='0' src=''/> :f
    <img border='0' src=''/> :g
    <img border='0' src=''/> :h
    <img border='0' src=''/> :i
    <img border='0' src=''/> :j
    <img border='0' src=''/> :k
    <img border='0' src=''/> :l
    <img border='0' src=''/> :m
    <img border='0' src=''/> :n
    <img border='0' src=''/> :o
    <img border='0' src=''/> :p
    <img border='0' src=''/> :q
    <img border='0' src=''/> :r
    <img border='0' src=''/> :s
    <img border='0' src=''/> :t   <a href='' style='color: rgb(30, 122, 183); font-size: x-small;'>Add smileys to Blogger + </a>

    Step 4. Now search for this piece of code:


    Step 5. And add the following code immediately above it:

    • For previous commenting system:
    <script type='text/javascript' src=" emoticons.js"/>
    • For threaded comments: 
    <script type='text/javascript' src=" emoticons threaded.js"/>

    Step 6. Save the Template. Now, enjoy your comments!

    How to Change Default Anonymous Avatar in Blogger Comments

    In the last tutorial, I wrote about how you can change avatars size in blogger comments and in this simple tutorial, I will show you how to change or customize default avatar of anonymous commenters or Blogger users with no picture added on their profiles. After Blogger announced new feature of threaded comment, we can still customize it by adding a jQuery plugin to our template and replacing the default anonymous avatar found at this

    and the one for blogger users

    ...with our own.

    anonymous, default avatar, blogger blogspot

    Step 1.

    Go to Dashboard - Template - click on the Edit HTML button and then Proceed

    ...then select Expand Widget Template (don't forget to make a backup)

      Step 2. Find (CTRL + F) this code in your template:


      Step 3. Add the following code just above it:

      <script src=''/>
      .attr(&#39;src&#39;, &#39;;)
      <script src=''/>
      .attr(&#39;src&#39;, &#39;;)

      Step 4. Save the Template

      How to change avatar:

      For Anonymous users: Replace the code in red with the url address of your image
      For Blogger users: Replace the URL in blue with your own.

      You can choose one from these below (copy the url address):

      That's it!
      If you liked this post, please consider sharing it.

      How To Change Avatar Size In Blogger Comments

      This simple trick will help you to modify the avatars size in Blogger comments. For changing the style and size of avatars, we have to add some CSS codes in our Blogger template. So, let's begin:

      Step 1.

      Go to Dashboard - Template - click on the Edit HTML button - Proceed select Expand Widget Template (I recommend to make a backup first)

        Step 2. Find (CTRL + F) this code in your template:


        Step 3. Copy and paste one of the following codes just above it:

        [Works in Blogger threaded comment system]

        .comments .avatar-image-container{
        background-color: rgb(34, 34, 34);
        border:1px solid #ccc;
        margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;
        padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
        width: 64px;
        max-height: 64px;
        .comments .avatar-image-container img{
        margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
        padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
        max-width: 64px;
        height: 64px;

        [for old blogger commenting system]

        border:1px solid #d6d6d6;
        margin-left: -30px;
        -moz-border-radius: 4px;
        min-height: 70px;
        .avatar-image-container img {
        background: url(;
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        background-position: center;
        background-size: 100%;

        Note: If you want bigger/smaller avatars, change the values in red. To change the anonymous avatar, replace the URL address in blue with your own. (works only for previous commenting system)

        Step 4. Save the Template.

        Now view your blog to see the results. Hope you enjoy!

        How to Hide Blogger Sidebar to Display AdSense For Search Results

        When visitors are searching for content on your blog, you have the following options to display the search results: opening the results in the same window, in a new window or within your own site using an iframe.

        But the best option is to display the search results in your own site/blog, mainly because you are not sending people off your blog and when they are taken to a new page of search results, so it could be confusing many times because it doesn't look anything like your site or Google. Therefore, displaying the search results within your site, could look more professional and could also increases your page views and your revenue from the ads on the search page.

        A problem that many bloggers are facing is that the page which displays the AdSense for search results must be at least of 800 px wide, so the posting area must be of minimum 800px and there's nothing like that in most of the blogs.

        So, what we will do in this tutorial is to set up the search results to be displayed in a static page (none of other posts or pages will be affected) where we'll remove the sidebar, so that we'll have enough space to make the post/page section of 800px wide. Also, we will create a static page specially designed for the search results, then create a new AdSense for search in our AdSense account and finally add a small snippet of code top in your Blogger template to hide the sidebar in that specific page.

        Search results span the width of the page with the sidebar hidden:

        Display AdSense For Search Results Within Blogger Page

        Step 1. Create a new static page on your blog, you can give it the title 'Search Results' but leave the content section empty and then Publish the page.

        Step 2. When you publish the page you have the option to add the page to a menu, choose the third option 'No Gadget Link To Pages Manually' click 'Save and Publish'. OR in case this screen will not appear, right click on View Page and select Copy Link Address. We will need this URL of the page when creating the AdSense for search.

        Step 3. Go To Your AdSense account, then go to My ads tab, select the Search option and Create a New custom search engine. Follow the steps until you come to the Search results option.

        Step 4. Select the 3rd method "on my website using an iframe", then Enter the URL of the page you created into the URL field and continue.

        Step 5. Follow the rest of the set up process, at the end you will be given two pieces of code. The first piece of code is for the actual search bar that you can paste into a Html/Javascript gadget in your sidebar or wherever you want it. The second piece of code you must copy and paste into a new HTML/JavaScript gadget and after clicked on Save - drag it above the Blog Posts area

         Now that you have your page set up with the search results code and your search bar code in your sidebar, it is time to add a snippet of code to your template to remove the sidebar.

        Adding The Code In Blogger To Change the Results Page Layout

        Step 1. In Your Blogger Dashboard, go to Template > Edit HTML - then click Proceed 

        Step 2. Select the "Expand widget templates" box

        Step 3. Find (CTRL + F) the following piece of code


        Step 4. Just below it, paste this code:

        <b:if cond='data:blog.url == &quot;PAGE-URL-HERE&quot;'>
        .main-inner .columns {
        padding-left: 0px !important;
        padding-right: 0px !important;
        .main-inner .fauxcolumn-center-outer {
        left: 0px !important;
        right: 0px !important;
        .main-inner .fauxcolumn-left-outer, .main-inner .fauxcolumn-right-outer, .main-inner .column-left-outer, .main-inner .column-right-outer {
        display: none !important;

        Note: Replace PAGE-URL-HERE with the url address of the page where the search results will be displayed (the one you have added at the step 4)

        Step 5. Now Save Template and you're done!

        This simple trick allows you not only to hide the sidebar in the search results page, you can, as well, hide it in any page you want... just create your page and follow the same steps. It is also good to hide the sidebar in Privacy Policy Pages, Contact Pages and in all the non-content-based pages with little content or no content at all.

        Make sure to check out other interesting AdSense Tutorials.
        If you need more help, leave your comments below.

        Show Blogger Image only in Homepage and Hide it in Post Page

        To hide images/pictures from our blogger posts and to make them appear only in homepage, we will have to add just a small piece of CSS code in our template and then use the class "hidepic" each time we want to hide an image.

        Just follow the next steps:

        Step 1. Go to Dashboard - Template - Edit HTML ( click on Proceed button )

         Step 2. Select "Expand Widget Template" (make a backup)

           Step 3. Find (CTRL + F) this code in your template:


          Step 4. Copy and paste the following code just below it

          <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;index&quot;'>
          display: none;

          Step 5. Save the Template.

          Now everytime you create a post, firstly add the pic you want to hide and then switch to HTML tab where you'll see the HTML code of the image you have added that will look something like this:

          <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">
          <a href="" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="320" src="" width="320" /></a></div>

          Note: it should be at the exact location where your image has been added 
          (if the image is at the middle of the text, then the code should be found at the middle)

          Step 6. Replace "separator" with "hidepic" - see the screenshot below:

          If you need more help, please leave a comment below.

          How to Remove Showing Posts With Label in Blogger

          label, blogger, remove, how to

          For any default Blogger layout, the "Showing posts with label" message shows up above the posts whenever you click on a label link. As it's a pretty useless and annoying message, many people like to have it removed. If that is your wish, just follow the tutorial below:

          Removing "Showing post with all posts"

          Step 1. Go to Dashboard - Template - Edit HTML (if necessary, click on Proceed button)

          Step 2. Click somewhere inside the template code, then search - using CTRL+F - this code:

          <b:includable id='status-message'>

          After you found it, click on the sideways arrow next to it, to expand the rest of the code.


          Step 3. Below is this code that you need to remove - along with the first one, as well:

               <b:includable id='status-message'>
                <b:if cond='data:navMessage'>
                <div class='status-msg-wrap'>
                  <div class='status-msg-body'>
                  <div class='status-msg-border'>
                    <div class='status-msg-bg'>
                      <div class='status-msg-hidden'><data:navMessage/></div>
                <div style='clear: both;'/>


           Step 4. Replace it with this one:

          <b:includable id='status-message'>
          <b:if cond='data:navMessage'>
          <div style='clear: both;'/>

          Step 5. Save the template. Now view your blog and click on some label....there should be no box anymore.

          Recent Posts Widget with Thumbnails for Blogger/Blogspot

          A few days ago, I've posted a tutorial about How To Add A Simple Recent Posts Widget but today I want to present to you a very nice Recent Posts widget that comes along with posts thumbnails and post summary as well. If you want to know how to add this Recent Posts widget/gadget to your Blogger blog, then follow the steps below:

          recent posts, blogger widgets

          How to Add the Recent Posts Widget to Blogger

          Step 1. Go To Blogger > Layout and click on "Add a Gadget" link

          Step 2. From the pop-up window, scroll down and choose HTML/JavaScript

          Step 3. Paste inside the empty box, the following code:

          <div class="eggTray">
          <script src="">{"pipe_id":"1a6640e2a78b2c6e736f2220529daae5","_btype":"list",
          "hideHeader":"false","height":"500","count": 8 }</script>
          <div style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 9px;" class="ycdr"><a href="" target="_blank" title="Grab this widget">Recent Posts Thumbnails</a> <a href="" target="_blank">Blogger Widget</a></div><noscript>Your browser does not support JavaScript!</noscript></div>
          <style type=text/css>
          .eggTray {margin:10px 0px;padding:0px;}
          .ybr li  {border-bottom:0px #cccccc dotted; padding:0px 0px 10px 0px!important;}
          .pipesTitle {padding-top:0px;}
          .pipesDescription {display:true;}
          .ycdr {background:transparent url( 0px 0px no-repeat; padding: 1px 0px 0px 19px; height:14px; margin: 4px 0px 0px 0px;line-height:14px;}
          .ycdr, .ycdr a {color:#999999;}
          .widget .popular-posts ul {padding-left:0;}

          Step 4. Change YOUR-BLOG/SITE-URL with the url address of your site/blog (ex: and look to have no forward slash symbol "/" at the end of your url

          • To disable the scroll bar, remove the number 500
          • By default, this widget is set to display a maximum of 8 recent posts. To change this number, replace the number 8 with the number of posts desired
          • if you want only the posts titles to appear, change true to none and "0" from padding-top:0px with 10

          Step 5. Save your widget. And you're done!

          If you need more help, leave your comment below.