Add Videos/Images in Blogger/Blogspot Comments

Many of you may have wondered if it is possible to post Youtube videos and images into Blogger comments. Well, after going through this tutorial, we'll be able to do this!
add youtube videos and pictures in blogger comments

To get these cool features, we just need to add some scripts to our template and use the right tags for the images. For adding youtube videos, pasting their URLs will be enough.

How to add videos/images in Blogger comments

Step 1. Go to Dashboard > Template > Edit HTML

Step 2. Find (using CTRL + F) the following tag:
Step 3. Just above/before the </body> tag, paste this code:
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
<script src=''/>
<script src=''/>
Step 4. Save the changes by clicking on the Save Template button.


Now each time you want to post youtube videos, just paste their urls in the comment box.
For adding images, use the tags below before and after the address of your image:
Note: replace your-image-url with the URL


If you want to let your visitors know how to post images in blogger comments, then go to Dashboard > Settings > Posts and Comments and look for the Comment Form Message section, there you need to click on "Add" link and add your text. For example:
Need to add an image? Use this code <b>[img]IMAGE-URL-HERE[/img]</b>
After you have added your text, click on the Save Settings button on the top right corner... and you're done :)

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How to add Facebook Like/Fan Box to Blogger

A Facebook Fan Box or Like Box is a great plugin that allows blog visitors to subscribe to your blog updates via their Facebook accounts, without leaving your blog. After subscribing (by pressing like button), visitors will receive your most recent blog updates on their Facebook page. This box also displays faces of the "likers" on your blog. Before creating a fan box you should already have a facebook fan page. If you haven't yet created, click here to learn How to Create a Facebook Fan Page.

Add Facebook Like Box to Blogger

1. Find out your Facebook fan page URL by visiting your Facebook fan page and copy the url in the address bar, you can see how your url should look like in my screenshot:

2. Then visit this page:

3. Paste your url into the Facebook Page URL field as it is shown below:

4. Once you are satisfied with the looks of the Like Box, click on the "Get Code" button

5. You'll be given two codes, titled HTML 5, XFBML and IFRAME. You only need the iframe code.
Select it and copy the code generated for your box as it is shown in the example below:

6. Then go to your Blogger Dashboard > Layout > click on the Add a Gadget link

 7. From the pop-up window, scroll down and select HTML/JavaScript

8. Paste the code in the empty HTML box.

9. Click Save and you're done.