Showing posts with label adsense optimization. Show all posts
Showing posts with label adsense optimization. Show all posts

10 Places to put Adsense ads in Blogger

This article will discuss about the more common 10 places on our blog where we can place ads and about how to implement them and also which are the most suitable formats based on those available in our AdSense account.


In the Sidebar

adsense, ads, add adsense blogger

How to implement.

This is one of the easiest places to place AdSense. Just go to the page elements (layout), click on the "Add a Gadget" link and add an HTML/Javascript widget with your ad code inside it or add directly an AdSense widget.

Recommended formats: 125 × 125, 120 × 600 and 160 × 600

Between posts

blogger posts, blogger tricks, adsense ads

Implementation. You can implement AdSense ads between your posts: go to Layout, click on the "Edit" link below the Blog Posts section, then check the "Show Ads Between Posts" option.

Recommended formats: 468 × 60, 300 × 250 and 336 × 280

Under the header

blogger header, blogger tips, adsense


Firstly, convert your AdSense ad code. You can use this converter here:
AdSense Ad Converter

Then, go to your Blogger Template (from your Dashboard, click on Template and press the Edit HTML button) and search for:

<div id='header-wrapper'>

Then paste the converted code right after it.

Recommended formats: 728 × 90 and 728 × 15

Above the blog posts

make money, adsense, blogger tutorials


Convert your ad code and search for <div id='main-wrapper'> in your template.

Paste the converted code right after it.

Recommended formats: 460 × 68, 468 × 15 and 336 × 280

Under the title of the post (this will be visible on all the pages)

money online, blogger tricks, how to blogger

Convert your AdSense ad code and then go to your Template, Expand Widget Templates and look for:

<div class='post-header-line-1'/>

Note: if you can't find it, search it without the ending slash /

Paste the converted code right after it.

Recommended formats: 468 × 68 and 468 × 15

Under the post title (visible only on the posts pages)


Convert your ad code and then go to your Template, Expand Widget Templates and look for:

<div class='post-header-line-1'/>

Note: if you can't find it, search it without the trailing slash /

Paste the converted code, following this example:

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>

<!-- Here your ad code -->


Recommended formats: 468x68 and 468x15

In the posts' footer

post footer, adsense, blogger blogspot


Convert your ad code and then go to your Template, Expand Widget Templates and look for:

<p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'/>

Note: if you can't find it, search it without the trailing slash /

Paste the converted code right after this line.

Recommended formats: 468x68 and 468x15

In the post's body (it will be visible on all pages)

adsense how to, blogger tricks, gadgets


Convert your ad code and then go to your Template, Expand Widget Templates and look for:
<div class='post-body entry-content'>

Note: in case you don't fint this code, search only for <div class='post-body'>

And paste the converted code, following this example:

<div style='float:right'>

<!-- Here ad code -->


Recommended formats: 125x125, 180x150, 120x240 and 200x200

In the post's body (visible only in post pages)

Convert your ad code and then go to your Template, Expand Widget Templates and look for:

<div class='post-body entry-content'>

Note: in case you don't fint this code, search only for <div class='post-body'> 

And paste the converted code, following this example:

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<div style='float:right'>

<!-- Here your ad code -->


Recommended formats: 125x125, 180x150, 120x240 and 200x200

Between post and comments (visible only on posts pages)


Convert your ad code and then go to your Template, Expand Widget Templates and look for:

<b:includable id='commentDeleteIcon' var='comment'>

Paste the converted code just above it, following this example:

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>

<!-- Here comes your ad code -->


Recommended formats: 468x60, 300x250 and 336x280

In the blog's footer

blogger footer, adsense ads, make money online


Convert your ad code and then go to your Template, Expand Widget Templates and look for:

<div id='footer-wrapper'>

Paste the converted code right after it.

Recommended formats: 728x90 and 728x15


I anticipated some questions likely to arise:

I can't find the codes, what should I do?
Always check the "Expand Widget Templates" checkbox. These are the default codes of Blogger and should be found in all the templates unless they have been changed by a hack or the template designer.

Why should I convert my AdSense code?
The Blogger's Template reads it as text and not as code and it is good to avoid any errors when trying to save it.

The ads are not displaying properly, why is that?
The ads could be affected by the styles (CSS) selectors (divs) containing them and some templates could be wrong designed, then you should consider modifying these styles, look for another relevant place or in extreme cases, change the template.

Can I put the all 10 codes on my blog?
No, you should choose just one of the places where you want to put the ads considering that AdSense have some limits on the number of ads that could be displayed. Try to make a balance with your content.

Why we there should be only 3 ads displayed on the main page?
Is due to the limit set by the AdSense. Combine the type of ads (text, rich media ads and link units) to be able to show the number of ads you want.

Hopefully, this will be useful to those of you wanting to display AdSense ads on your blog.

Add Google Adsense to Blogger Header (Above the Title)

In the past tutorials ( See: Social Media Buttons beside Adsense ads Adsense inside Blogger Header ) i've shared several tricks for Adsense ads placement that may help you to increase your adsense earnings. Now, i will show you how to add Google Adsense above your header, for instance just above the title of your Blogger blog. This can be done by adjusting your template to give you the option of adding more than one widget to the header area.

Add a new element to Blogger header

1. If you are using the old Blogger interface: 

  • Go to Dashboard - Design - Edit HTML - (make a backup) Expand Widget Template 

If you are using the new Blogger interface: 

  • Go to Dashboard - Template - Edit HTML - Proceed - (make a backup) Expand Widget Template 

2. Next try to find (CTRL + F) this piece of code:

<div id='header-wrapper'>

...if you can't find that one, search for this one:

<div class='region-inner header-inner'>

3. Immediately after one of these lines, you'll see this code:

<b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidgets='1' showaddelement='no'>

4. Replace the values in red like in this example below:

<b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidgets='3' showaddelement='yes'>

5. Save the Template.

Adding the Adsense ad unit above the Blogger header

1. Navigate to Design > Page Elements and view the new option to add a gadget to the header area

2. Click on Add a Gadget link and select the Google Adsense gadget.

Choose the type of ad unit you want. For this example I chose a new linked 728x15 ad unit from the dropdown format menu for an AdSense ad that would sit above the blog title. Configure colors if necessary. Color blending is usually done automatically by Blogger according to the color schema of your template.

3. Click Save

Now View your Blog to see your new Google Adsense unit. If all is going well, your new AdSense ad unit should appear something like in the image below:

This is a very good Adsense placement, i'm sure you're gonna like it

If you have a any questions, please feel free to ask below.

Google adsense optimization tips

adsense, what is google adsense, earn with adsenseWhat is Google AdSense? 

Google AdSense is a free program run by Google that allows you to display Google adverts on your blog/website and pays you everytime someone clicks on one of these ads. Just submit your blog to Google for approval and after your content has been approved, you are ready to place AdSense ads on your website.  But beware, Google AdSense doesn't approve any sites! According to AdSense policy you are not allowed to do the following things:

1) Do not click on your own AdSense ads by any way.
2) Do not increase AdSense ad impressions with some automating tools.
3) Don’t ask others to click on your ads.
4) Don’t alter the AdSense code other than fonts and colors.
5) Don’t put AdSense code on adult or prohibited content.

Some basic optimization tips can double your AdSense revenue, so i've added a list of some of the best Google Adsense Tips and Tricks for making more money from the Google Adsense program.

Tips to Increase Google AdSense Earnings

1) Place the Adsense ads above the main fold that user can see your ad units without scrolling down on your site. This will increase your Ads Click Through Rate (CTR)

Because browsers and screen sizes vary, Google has created a nice tool that allows you to enter any URL, and check whether you've implemented your ads above the fold.

2) The best performing ad units for AdSense are:

250×250 Square
160×600 wide skyscraper
336×280 large rectangle
300×250 medium rectangle

Use them wisely. I suggest you to place 250 x 250 size ad units at the top of every post and align it at the right or left side of the post content. The 160×600 ad format can easily fit in the sidebar of your blogger blog.

3) You can use the following “heat map” provided by Google to analyze other top performing ad placement slots. You should concentrate on the areas with darker orange color which represents the hot spots of the ads slots. (see in the image below)

blogger blog, what is adsense, google analytics

4) Text ads are good for the first Google Ad unit. I also recommend you to place a 300×250 unit in the sidebar (or somewhere below the fold) – these generally serve CPM based ads and will help you monetize visits from places like Digg and StumbleUpon.

5) Ads placed in-between the content can also perform well. If you have small posts then put ads at the top of the page content. If you have big post then ad units placed at the bottom or middle of the post.

6) Do not use borders to your text ads or use them wisely.

7) To blend, choose the colors that match with the colors of your website: for example if your site background is black, you will put the same background for your Adsense ads. If your links are blue, then select the color blue for Adsense links. If your titles are red, then make your Adsense block titles red.

8) To complement, use colors that already exist on your site, but don't match the background and borders exactly where the ads are placed.

9) To contrast, choose colors that stand out against the background of your site. Contrasting is recommended only for sites with dark background, so we suggest using an ad style with white background, white borders, and blue titles. (google hints)

10) Use link units near the site navigation bar. The main advantages of this placement, are that they can perform well and you don't need too much Ad space on your site. This way, your site looks clean and also, your visitors will be annoyed.

11) Study your keywords and the target ads to these keywords. Usually, Google Adsense crawler searches for the first or second paragraph to target ads to that page so don't forget to add your page-targeted keywords at the beginning of your post.

12) MFA (made for AdSense) sites are websites created around AdSense keywords, and often, these are poor quality sites with little or no original content. Use Allow and block ads feature to block low paying or irrelevant ads showing on your site. And be careful when you're doing this, sometimes one ad unit can give you $0.01 in one country and $1 in other country.

13) Use Google Adsense ad preview tool to view what ads are showing on your site.

14) Many times you can earn you more AdSense revenue from Image search engines than with the regular web traffic. Upload good quality images and use text captions with alt tags to make sure that blog images rank good in Image Search results.

15) Add a search box at the top left region of your blog and use the word "search" in the submit button otherwise visitors might be confused and might not notice it. If you use a second search box, put it at the bottom of your pages.

If you have any other suggestions, write a comment below.
Good luck!